henribergius: Helsinki harbour
henribergius: Car inspection office
henribergius: Coding in the market
henribergius: Edi and the NaakkaMobile
henribergius: Departure toast
henribergius: Suomenlinna island fortress
henribergius: With two hands
henribergius: Sleeping Joonas
henribergius: Licorice pipe
henribergius: Arttu tried the "Juhana special"
henribergius: Setting sun
henribergius: River crossing in Latvia
henribergius: Motel near Kaunas
henribergius: Making "salmari"
henribergius: Google Talking back home
henribergius: The crew from Finland
henribergius: Tank surfer
henribergius: Roads here are dangerous
henribergius: Evening break
henribergius: Poznan military aviation museum
henribergius: Tank yard
henribergius: Alessio and the tank
henribergius: Leaving for a bar
henribergius: Monastery in Poznan
henribergius: Poznan city hall
henribergius: At the market square
henribergius: Watching the sights
henribergius: Suicide tequila
henribergius: Entering the dev meeting premises
henribergius: Setting up