henribergius: Porto Alegre Cathedral
henribergius: McInternet
henribergius: Pink street in Porto Alegre
henribergius: Look down to the center
henribergius: Evening in the Penguin Bar
henribergius: Penguin Bar
henribergius: Obrigado, Stallman!
henribergius: Penguin presents my talk
henribergius: Digital Business Ecosystem talk
henribergius: DBE talk in FISL
henribergius: Georg and the funny hat
henribergius: Bergie and the funny hat
henribergius: Argentinian Linux group
henribergius: One Laptop Per Child talk
henribergius: In the BrOffice booth
henribergius: Evening out
henribergius: Tim talks about Maemo
henribergius: Izabel presenting Tim
henribergius: Tim Ney's talk
henribergius: Lu presenting Miguel de Icaza
henribergius: Greg Stein's Subversion API talk
henribergius: Richard Stallman's talk
henribergius: The FIERGS conference center
henribergius: Making Caipirinha
henribergius: Finns make the drinks
henribergius: ...and the locals barbeque
henribergius: Brazilian Churrascao
henribergius: Chicken hearts
henribergius: Fresh coconut
henribergius: Red Hats all around