Marcel Berendsen - The Netherlands: Eveningsky above the field of cereal
Marcel Berendsen - The Netherlands: Eveningsky above cerealfield
Marcel Berendsen - The Netherlands: Eco-electricity, modern windmill-park Scheemda
Marcel Berendsen - The Netherlands: Looking up a modern windmill
Marcel Berendsen - The Netherlands: Looking up a modern windmill
Marcel Berendsen - The Netherlands: Looking up a modern windmill
Marcel Berendsen - The Netherlands: Eco-electricity, modern windmill-park Scheemda
Marcel Berendsen - The Netherlands: Just above the tree....
Marcel Berendsen - The Netherlands: "Wadloper" riding through the landscape of Groningen
Marcel Berendsen - The Netherlands: "Wadloper" riding through the landscape of Groningen
Marcel Berendsen - The Netherlands: One of the typical Dutch roadsigns
Marcel Berendsen - The Netherlands: Potatofield, North Groningen
Marcel Berendsen - The Netherlands: Potatofield, North Groningen
Marcel Berendsen - The Netherlands: Potatofield, North Groningen
Marcel Berendsen - The Netherlands: View in the direction of Drieborg
Marcel Berendsen - The Netherlands: View in the direcetion of the "C. Coenraadpolder"
Marcel Berendsen - The Netherlands: Sluice at Nieuwe Statenzijl
Marcel Berendsen - The Netherlands: Statue at Nieuwe Statenzijl
Marcel Berendsen - The Netherlands: Statue at Nieuwe Statenzijl
Marcel Berendsen - The Netherlands: Statue at Nieuwe Statenzijl
Marcel Berendsen - The Netherlands: Statue at Nieuwe Statenzijl
Marcel Berendsen - The Netherlands: Walkingtrail through Dollard
Marcel Berendsen - The Netherlands: View in the direction of Drieborg