benyeh2: Still dark out
benyeh2: Steaming Pool
benyeh2: Brandon going for the dive
benyeh2: Observing the First Wave
benyeh2: Brandon and Me
benyeh2: With our #1 fan Stember
benyeh2: Before picture
benyeh2: Lining up for the second wave
benyeh2: Peace!
benyeh2: Putting on my time chip
benyeh2: Getting ready for the big event
benyeh2: Going over the game plan
benyeh2: It's chilly
benyeh2: Yea, let's do it!
benyeh2: I am #384
benyeh2: Waiting in Line
benyeh2: I am up!
benyeh2: Swim
benyeh2: Swim2
benyeh2: Swim to Bike Transition
benyeh2: Bike
benyeh2: Bike2
benyeh2: Bike to Run Transition
benyeh2: The Finish
benyeh2: The Triathletes
benyeh2: 5 Laps for Larry
benyeh2: Me and Will
benyeh2: Support from Ironwoman