reclaimednj: Battered by the Sea
reclaimednj: The Fleet
reclaimednj: The Bjorn II
reclaimednj: Grand Larson III and Lindsay L.
reclaimednj: Entering the Harbor
reclaimednj: Captains View
reclaimednj: Grand Larson III stern shot
reclaimednj: The Captain's Throne
reclaimednj: Julianne
reclaimednj: The Larson Fleet
reclaimednj: Barnegat Lighthouse
reclaimednj: Ol' Barney (HDR)
reclaimednj: Ol' Barney
reclaimednj: Vessels
reclaimednj: Reed carried by Jen
reclaimednj: Monochrome dunes
reclaimednj: Kaitlin
reclaimednj: Old shipwreck
reclaimednj: Marine debris
reclaimednj: Beachgrass (Ammophila breviligulata)
reclaimednj: Beachgrass and goldenrod
reclaimednj: American beachgrass (Ammophila breviligulata)
reclaimednj: Dune trail
reclaimednj: 12th Street Trax
reclaimednj: Jen & Kaitlin
reclaimednj: Caged in...
reclaimednj: Lindsay L