Bentley Robinson:
Some of the choir on the first morning 1 July 2001
Bentley Robinson:
Presenting two bears to the parishioners in the kitchens of Albany Cathedral
Bentley Robinson:
Matthew Maw and Luke Handley holding the bears with the Vicar Choral in the backrow
Bentley Robinson:
James Hamilton, Colin Morrow, Billy Miskimmin and Joe McKee after breakfast
Bentley Robinson:
Members of the choir outside Albany Cathedral
Bentley Robinson:
Coffee outside Albany Cathedral after Eucharist
Bentley Robinson:
Albany, sheltering from a thunderstorm
Bentley Robinson:
The Widescreen version
Bentley Robinson:
Bentley Robinson:
Colin on Intrepid aircraft carrier
Bentley Robinson:
James, Niall, Colin and Michael
Bentley Robinson:
The Team on Intrepid
Bentley Robinson:
On Fifth Avenue after singing in St Patrick's
Bentley Robinson:
St Patrick's Roman Catholic Cathedra,l Fifth Avenue
Bentley Robinson:
Trump Tower, Fifth Avenue
Bentley Robinson:
The tip of Manhatten Brooklyn Bridge 2
Bentley Robinson:
Colin on Brooklyn Bridge with James and his father Jim, behind
Bentley Robinson:
Colin on Brooklyn Bridge
Bentley Robinson:
World Trade Center from Brooklyn Bridge
Bentley Robinson:
Billy on Brooklyn Bridge attired for the 4th of July (Rebellion Day)
Bentley Robinson:
The Team on the Staten Island Ferry
Bentley Robinson:
The Team on the Staten Island Ferry on Rebellion Day: Paul, Colin, Billy, Donald Hamilton, Jim, Michael and James
Bentley Robinson:
The Team in Central Park _1
Bentley Robinson:
The Team in Central Park
Bentley Robinson:
The Team in Canal Street
Bentley Robinson:
The choir watching the New York Mets at Shea Stadium
Bentley Robinson:
The choir watching baseball
Bentley Robinson:
James, Colin and Paul in Times Square
Bentley Robinson:
Colin taking a break from shopping (nothing was bought)
Bentley Robinson:
World Trade Center