benkoss: 1 minute before landing
benkoss: I don't understand
benkoss: IMG_1745
benkoss: IMG_1757
benkoss: IMG_1759
benkoss: lexus and land rovers all over the place
benkoss: any street crossing is not safe
benkoss: IMG_1716
benkoss: Ulaan bataar
benkoss: IMG_1769
benkoss: more big skies
benkoss: camel
benkoss: camel guide
benkoss: solar satellite
benkoss: old wagon
benkoss: horse heads at the prayer pole
benkoss: eagle
benkoss: temple in Khrakorem monastary
benkoss: young monks
benkoss: wall of the Kharakorem
benkoss: the produce section
benkoss: nice sunsett
benkoss: Valley of horses
benkoss: lots of choices
benkoss: IMG_1909
benkoss: wild rhubarb
benkoss: Morning on white lake
benkoss: IMG_1936
benkoss: Gerrrrrrrrrrrrrr