bensondoc: P7080030
bensondoc: P7080032
bensondoc: P7080035
bensondoc: P7080033
bensondoc: P7080034
bensondoc: P7080038
bensondoc: P7080042
bensondoc: P7080043
bensondoc: TTT Record 14cm stem
bensondoc: P7080041
bensondoc: P7080040
bensondoc: SR Royal seatpost
bensondoc: P7080036
bensondoc: P7080036a
bensondoc: P7060025
bensondoc: SR Royal polished
bensondoc: SR Royal painted
bensondoc: Ron Cooper - initial build
bensondoc: P2100764
bensondoc: P2100765
bensondoc: P2100761
bensondoc: P2090758
bensondoc: OMAS Ti BB rh
bensondoc: OMAS Ti BB lh
bensondoc: complete cooper
bensondoc: three quarter cooper
bensondoc: headtube
bensondoc: over head tube
bensondoc: side of headtube
bensondoc: inside of front fork