Ben Revell: Pyrausta aurata - Mint Moth #2
Ben Revell: Triodia sylvina - Orange Swift Moth (f) #5
Ben Revell: Triodia sylvina - Orange Swift Moth (f) #3
Ben Revell: Mormo maura - Old Lady Moth #35
Ben Revell: Mormo maura - Old Lady Moth #16
Ben Revell: Mormo maura - Old Lady Moth #1
Ben Revell: Sphinx ligustri - Privet Hawk Moth #3
Ben Revell: Sphinx ligustri - Privet Hawk Moth #2
Ben Revell: Sphinx ligustri - Privet Hawk Moth #1
Ben Revell: A Plume Moth
Ben Revell: A Plume Moth
Ben Revell: A Plume Moth
Ben Revell: Eggs of the Vapourer Moth (Orgyia antiqua)
Ben Revell: Noctua pronuba - Large Yellow Underwing
Ben Revell: Noctua pronuba - Large Yellow Underwing
Ben Revell: Idaea seriata - Small Dusty Wave
Ben Revell: Stenoptilia pterodactyla - A Plume moth
Ben Revell: Peribatodes rhomboidaria - Willow Beauty moth
Ben Revell: Peribatodes rhomboidaria - Willow Beauty moth
Ben Revell: Autographa gamma - Silver-Y Moth
Ben Revell: Autographa gamma - Silver-Y
Ben Revell: Agriphila tristella - Common Grass-veneer
Ben Revell: Spilarctia luteum - Buff Ermine
Ben Revell: Spilarctia luteum - Buff Ermine
Ben Revell: Idaea aversata - Riband Wave
Ben Revell: Spilarctia luteum - Buff Ermine
Ben Revell: Spilarctia luteum - Buff Ermine
Ben Revell: Scotopteryx chenopodiata - Shaded Broad-bar
Ben Revell: Small Dusty Wave - Idaea seriata
Ben Revell: Small Dusty Wave - Idaea seriata