blp1979: Hobart Building Crown Moulding
blp1979: Ferry Building
blp1979: San Francisco Skyline
blp1979: Todd's Crane
blp1979: House
blp1979: First Test Shot
blp1979: Plane Trails
blp1979: Cathedral of St John the Divine
blp1979: White Peacock
blp1979: Peace Fountain
blp1979: Lassen Peak
blp1979: Ancient Sentry
blp1979: clementinepumiceweedtomatocoffee
blp1979: Lava volcanoes
blp1979: Mountains
blp1979: King's Creek
blp1979: Lassen Peak
blp1979: Gate Valve
blp1979: Housekeeping Cabin #7
blp1979: Stinking Fumeroles
blp1979: Lassen Peak & Lake Helen
blp1979: Reeling Sky