Oliver (Wolbadger): Lighthouse
Oliver (Wolbadger): Barcode trees
Oliver (Wolbadger): Lost in the woods
Vince_Toulouse: Myriapodotrain
Marc-Andre Kelly B.: Bold Contrast
Marc-Andre Kelly B.: Driving in the Snowstorm
Marc-Andre Kelly B.: Driving in the Snowstorm
Marc-Andre Kelly B.: Frozen in Time
Marc-Andre Kelly B.: White-Tailed Deer / Cerf de Virginie (Odocoileus virginianus)
Marc-Andre Kelly B.: - FRIGID SOLITUDE -
Marc-Andre Kelly B.: Retro Narcissism
Marc-Andre Kelly B.: - Downward Spiral -
Marc-Andre Kelly B.: Tools of the Trade ("Hobby")
Marc-Andre Kelly B.: Mr. Squirrel
Marc-Andre Kelly B.: Self(ie)-Reflected
Marc-Andre Kelly B.: Chinatown Archway
Marc-Andre Kelly B.: White Velvet Limbs
Marc-Andre Kelly B.: Congregation of Naked Limbs
Marc-Andre Kelly B.: Metro Tunnel
Marc-Andre Kelly B.: Wall Art; Signed Corner
Marc-Andre Kelly B.: Welcome to Chinatown!
Otaka0706: TAMIYA Lancia Rally 037 Vintage RC @ work in progress
Otaka0706: TAMIYA 1/10 Lancia Rally 037 Vintage RC
Otaka0706: TAMIYA Vintage RC @ K-Sport Lancia Rally 037 GROUP B タミヤ ランチア 037 ラリー
Otaka0706: TAMIYA Vintage RC @ K-Sport Lancia Rally 037 GROUP B タミヤ ランチア 037 ラリー
Otaka0706: 1/10 Scale Kyosyo Tomahawk Vintage RC body custom
Otaka0706: Tamiya BBX 1/10 RC buggy
Otaka0706: Tamiya BBX 1/10 RC buggy