Ben N1: Oops, what are you doing there?
Ben N1: Feed me, Seymour, feed me!
Ben N1: This bird is morphing into a hog.
Ben N1: These sure brighten up my day. Well, unless it's night time...
Ben N1: This guy can eat some peanuts!
Ben N1: C'mon, now!!!
Ben N1: Let's do something else, okay?
Ben N1: How long do I have to hold the pose???
Ben N1: Head shot/side profile
Ben N1: Do I look better over here?
Ben N1: You bet I'm fierce!!
Ben N1: Keep your distance, buddy!
Ben N1: Hey, check out my furry ears!
Ben N1: When should I smile?
Ben N1: I'm yawning... no, I'm eating!
Ben N1: Hey, where's the beef???
Ben N1: This is my better profile...
Ben N1: Hey, you, where're the peanuts???