bennetthall: Santa Clara County: Palo Alto’s Namesake, “The Tall Tree,” c.1875
bennetthall: Rancho Palo Alto c1881
bennetthall: map_palo-alto_mrsid
bennetthall: Santa Clara County: Stanford Memorial Church from Quadrangle, 1903
bennetthall: Paly postcard 2
bennetthall: Paly High postcard
bennetthall: Paly Centenial celebration
bennetthall: embarcadero underpass construction
bennetthall: PAHA_11005_full_output
bennetthall: paly c1920
bennetthall: BC Foundation plan edited_1
bennetthall: jordan-1969_p2-SM
bennetthall: louis road
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bennetthall: PAHA_12684_full
bennetthall: last day of school
bennetthall: Jordan jr high 8th grade
bennetthall: stanfoird stadium and paly
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bennetthall: Joan Baex and MLK Mississippi
bennetthall: traitorous 8
bennetthall: PAHA_14149_full
bennetthall: paly girl xray tech station
bennetthall: Best groomed-physique
bennetthall: Truest vikes
bennetthall: jordan talent show - seymour bow wagner franzini
bennetthall: Most Expressive eyes
bennetthall: Paly clowns on bicycle