bennetthall: David practices sermon in levitation mode
bennetthall: Laurel in Flight
bennetthall: Rhonda in flight, solo.
bennetthall: Helen nails it
bennetthall: It turns out white girls can jump
bennetthall: David with this array or gourmet free range peas
bennetthall: 4th of July Dinner is Served
bennetthall: Robin, the ranch master, in the forest
bennetthall: United We Stand against Blue Meanies
bennetthall: Robin's Recycled saw Star adorns the Coup de Fowl
bennetthall: Roosters enjoy their free range at Flipjack
bennetthall: The nature of this course was truly unclear. This rough is really rough. These holes are hard to locate. What about the goats on the fairway, they are eating our balls? And, then there is the lake.
bennetthall: David and Drew at the commencement of the Flip Jack Open
bennetthall: Laurel at the launch of the FlipJack Open
bennetthall: Jerry scoping out the long fairway ahead during the inaugural Flip Jack open
bennetthall: David and Darryl (RIP)
bennetthall: Suspicions and concerns were developing over vegans as the weekend progressed
bennetthall: Bill in Mickie Mouse Uncle Sam Hat, which may or may not be patriotic
bennetthall: Juergen toasting the moment
bennetthall: Laurel waiting on the meal, as the excitement builds
bennetthall: World events including global finance, Greece, and presidents were carefully reviewed
bennetthall: A little one on one love time on the swing in the Redwoods
bennetthall: David as the Godfather
bennetthall: Scott and Scott having a rainbow moment, or who knows what?
bennetthall: Chase, the head Wwoofer and soon to be reporting to ROTC
bennetthall: Jasmine has specific requirements for seating
bennetthall: best friends forever
bennetthall: Pat and Barb pondering status of dinner
bennetthall: Helen and Dave waiting on the meal
bennetthall: JoDee and Scott