bennetthall: Del Norte County Logging Operations, c.1890
bennetthall: hum_SamoaMill_1999_01_px
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bennetthall: Transportation of lumber to San Francisco from Humboldt County
bennetthall: Humboldt Chinatown 1885
bennetthall: View of Indian Huts on the water, Trinidad South Bay
bennetthall: Fields landing, Humbolt Co
bennetthall: Replica of first schooner to visit Humboldt Bay
bennetthall: Steam Schooner,Humboldt County
bennetthall: Sinker of a Tanker
bennetthall: hum_logging_locomotive information
bennetthall: Eureka Birdseye view 1902
bennetthall: Humboldt: Carson Mansion
bennetthall: Carson Mansion spire in Eureka California
bennetthall: Carson Mansion “Gingerbread House”, Eureka, 1934
bennetthall: Hydraulic miner with water hose blasting the hillside;
bennetthall: Chinook Fishing scene on the mouth of the Klamath River
bennetthall: Eureka, Viewing South, Broadway and Clark 10-27-48
bennetthall: Lindsay House, Eureka, California,
bennetthall: Moonstone Beach, Mermaid, Trinidad, CA Humboldt County
bennetthall: Pecwan Sweat-house
bennetthall: Jump dance in Pecwan
bennetthall: Hupa leader of the Madilding Rancheria Captain John, Hupa Leader, who died 28 Dec 1911
bennetthall: Hupa Deer Dance
bennetthall: Klammath Indians
bennetthall: Hupa Indian in white deer skin costume
bennetthall: Salmon Fishing in Sugarbowl on the Trinity river, Hupa Indian
bennetthall: Delia Albert, a Tolowa woman, wears a native dance apron and skirt over a non-Indian bodice.