BennBeck: The road to the harbour
BennBeck: Columns
BennBeck: That road again
BennBeck: Amphitheatre
BennBeck: Amphetheatre
BennBeck: The toad to the harbour
BennBeck: Dried up fountain
BennBeck: Marble street
BennBeck: Marble arch
BennBeck: Gobbledygook
BennBeck: The Agora
BennBeck: The Agora, South Gate and Library of Celsus
BennBeck: Columns
BennBeck: The Library of Celsus
BennBeck: Beck at Library of Celsus
BennBeck: Statue St the Library
BennBeck: Stunning stonework
BennBeck: Someone lost their head
BennBeck: Group photo
BennBeck: Ornate drain
BennBeck: Another shot of the Library of Celsus
BennBeck: Gateway with tree covered in nuts?
BennBeck: Pomegranates weren't quite ripe though
BennBeck: Christian kitten
BennBeck: Not more steps?!
BennBeck: Mosaic street
BennBeck: Avoid the crowds, get here early
BennBeck: Lens flare
BennBeck: Lots of material for a stone garden
BennBeck: High statue