Ben McLeod:
on the Timbers' Bus!
Ben McLeod:
reading on the bus
Ben McLeod:
where's the bathroom?
Ben McLeod:
wild, man, wild
Ben McLeod:
Ben McLeod:
Odile "doesn't like" having her picture taken
Ben McLeod:
Bailey is so excited to be at the beach, she's levitated
Ben McLeod:
number 1!!
Ben McLeod:
the equipment hand-out
Ben McLeod:
busy bees
Ben McLeod:
the first group exercise of the day
Ben McLeod:
can you believe we're in school right now?
Ben McLeod:
our own private beach
Ben McLeod:
Sophia digs it
Ben McLeod:
Ben McLeod:
Bailey's castle
Ben McLeod:
Ben McLeod:
Ben McLeod:
they can do what they want, I'm doing my thing
Ben McLeod:
smiles on the beach
Ben McLeod:
Ben McLeod:
"take a picture of that"
Ben McLeod:
Lewis demonstrates the pail dance
Ben McLeod:
on the beach
Ben McLeod:
the hole to China
Ben McLeod:
Ben McLeod:
dead fish
Ben McLeod:
water level!!
Ben McLeod:
totally commited
Ben McLeod: