Ben McLeod: bunny?
Ben McLeod: how tall will they be in 8th grade?
Ben McLeod: adorableness
Ben McLeod: hands raised
Ben McLeod: my little knitter
Ben McLeod: taking pictures of people taking pictures of people taking pictures
Ben McLeod: in through the front door...
Ben McLeod: Lucy has it figured out
Ben McLeod: Lewis shows his dad how to do it
Ben McLeod: no, Dad, like this!
Ben McLeod: talented
Ben McLeod: Odile shows Tucker
Ben McLeod: look at the concentration Michael is giving this
Ben McLeod: movement class!
Ben McLeod: flapper girl
Ben McLeod: pick me!!
Ben McLeod: first one picked
Ben McLeod: careful...
Ben McLeod: Steve shows off
Ben McLeod: Sue shows us how it's done
Ben McLeod: crowed room
Ben McLeod: it's good to be a kid at Cedarwood
Ben McLeod: the tongue of concentration becomes the tongue of balance
Ben McLeod: Maya!
Ben McLeod: Jenny
Ben McLeod: Esti has mad skillz
Ben McLeod: our light
Ben McLeod: community
Ben McLeod: Amanda and Bruno