Ben McLeod: 2 da bar
Ben McLeod: Suky trafik
Ben McLeod: triple mirror baby
Ben McLeod: hanging out, waiting for mom
Ben McLeod: CHiP
Ben McLeod: Liz
Ben McLeod: chicago, reflected in cloudgate
Ben McLeod: buffing the bean
Ben McLeod: reflection
Ben McLeod: afternoon symphony concert
Ben McLeod: suspended speakers
Ben McLeod: playing under big brother
Ben McLeod: city flowers
Ben McLeod: chicago city scene
Ben McLeod: building guts
Ben McLeod: lettuce pray
Ben McLeod: wedding
Ben McLeod: the happy couple
Ben McLeod: Dr. and Mrs. Choe
Ben McLeod: shots for everyone!
Ben McLeod: cheers
Ben McLeod: cutting the cake
Ben McLeod: wild and crazy liz
Ben McLeod: ice luge
Ben McLeod: p-p-p-put on your boogie shoes
Ben McLeod: the happ cousins