BenAndAsho: 2011-06-14 20.55.54
BenAndAsho: 2011-06-14 20.56.50
BenAndAsho: 2011-06-14 20.57.10
BenAndAsho: Push bike, kite bike. I know which I prefer!
BenAndAsho: Don't put your hand there. You will amputate your fingers.
BenAndAsho: Lining up for my first run!
BenAndAsho: It's a balancing act that I haven't yet mastered!
BenAndAsho: Shame of walk, with complementary builder's crack
BenAndAsho: Getting to grips with the kite bike
BenAndAsho: Getting the feel of the kite bike
BenAndAsho: OK, starting to figure out what's going on now...
BenAndAsho: Comfy and safe.
BenAndAsho: Sweeping traverses
BenAndAsho: Time for some adjustments
BenAndAsho: Downhilling in the kite bike