ch54switch: Gay International Classic, Alexandria Cass at Basix in Cedar Rapids
ch54switch: Joey D. at Basix December 2010
ch54switch: Alicia Markstone at Studio, November 2010
ch54switch: untitled-100
ch54switch: untitled-9
ch54switch: David Clipping His Goat's Hooves, April 2010
ch54switch: Federal Courthouse, Cedar Rapids IA, June 2012
ch54switch: No Pedestrians, Cedar Rapids IA, May 2012
ch54switch: Embudo Dam, Albuquerque NM
ch54switch: D Ave.
ch54switch: Bend to Squares
ch54switch: Abandoned
ch54switch: Quaker Oats at Night
ch54switch: E Ave. NE, Cedar Rapids
ch54switch: Rosedale Rd. SE, Cedar Rapids
ch54switch: Sundial, Phoenix February 2010
ch54switch: Murals, San Francisco, June 2010
ch54switch: Bertram Rd.
ch54switch: Rock, Pecos River, Pecos New Mexico, July 2012
ch54switch: Anne, Albuquerque Museum of Art, July 2012
ch54switch: _9260748
ch54switch: San Felipe de Neri Courtyard, Albuquerque New Mexico
ch54switch: HRC Election Party Nov 2nd 2008
ch54switch: HRC Election Party
ch54switch: David, Coe Senior Convacation 2008
ch54switch: Skateboarder, San Diego
ch54switch: Kelly
ch54switch: Getting Ready
ch54switch: Steve Staker