Benj & Noma: Cherry Season
Benj & Noma: Cherry Season
Benj & Noma: The Mission Mountains
Benj & Noma: Flathead Indian Reservation
Benj & Noma: The Mission Mountains
Benj & Noma: Beautiful place to camp
Benj & Noma: Adventure Cycling Headquarters - Missoula
Benj & Noma: Adventure Cycling Headquarters - Missoula
Benj & Noma: Adventure Cycling Headquarters - Missoula
Benj & Noma: Adventure Cycling Headquarters - Missoula
Benj & Noma: Adventure Cycling Headquarters - Missoula
Benj & Noma: Look who I found amongst the stuff!
Benj & Noma: Making music on the road
Benj & Noma: Bikes and Banjos
Benj & Noma: Making music on the road
Benj & Noma: Warm Showers Host Missoula
Benj & Noma: Warm Showers Host Missoula
Benj & Noma: Warm Showers Host Missoula
Benj & Noma: Warm Showers Host Missoula
Benj & Noma: Warm Showers Host Missoula
Benj & Noma: Travelling companions
Benj & Noma: Our little spaceship at sunset in Big Hole.
Benj & Noma: Riding into Big Hole
Benj & Noma: Riding into Big Hole
Benj & Noma: First Flat Tyre in 3500 miles!
Benj & Noma: Mountains and Valleys
Benj & Noma: Willies Distillery
Benj & Noma: Willies Distillery
Benj & Noma: Earthquake Lake
Benj & Noma: Probably the most un-exciting boarder crossing ever ;)