Benj & Noma: Island hopping
Benj & Noma: Island hopping
Benj & Noma: The theatre of Dionysius
Benj & Noma: Religion and Art
Benj & Noma: Ben on Acropolis
Benj & Noma: White building, pillars, blue sky.
Benj & Noma: Pathenon
Benj & Noma: Parthenon
Benj & Noma: Parthenon
Benj & Noma: Flag and pointy mountain in the background
Benj & Noma: Parthenon
Benj & Noma: Mars Hill
Benj & Noma: Acropolis from Mars Hill
Benj & Noma: The Stoa
Benj & Noma: "a place to meet, walk and to do business"
Benj & Noma: Ancient Souvlaki
Benj & Noma: Spartan Shield
Benj & Noma: Jury Service
Benj & Noma: Jury service
Benj & Noma: Temple of Olympian Zeus
Benj & Noma: Zeus and Acropolis
Benj & Noma: Zeus and Acropolis
Benj & Noma: Broken pillar
Benj & Noma: Do not disturb...the guy in the minni skirt with the black pom-pom shoes
Benj & Noma: Ahhhh - Greek cuisine!