Mai Misart: Lost and Found
Lorraine1234: Mere color, unspoiled by meaning, and unallied with definite form, can speak to the soul in a thousand different ways.
Gate Gustafson: Bus stop
Chikage A: Night Colores
Mathan Kesavan: Japan Tag Düsseldorf Feuerwerk
M i k e Y: Yah it was a wicked nice view
jordi_nll: A la vora
bigeye902004: DSC_7021a
edi025: alone on the bridge
Maestr!0_0!: Les beatles... au loin
drakeuncharted8: Bay Bridge
Semeyaza: IMG_3282
Sébastien Dray photography: 18/52 Week , / "Don't think" [28/04/2014 - 04/05/2014] (52 weeks project!)
Goethe58: Via dei Grilli 3 (Road of Cricket 3)
Dennis Kussener: P12 studio portrait
gianlucasimonella: Drops in the roses- gocce fra le rose
Jay-tography: Audi RS-4
Dan Dan - SA: Sinister RS4 (HDR)
Doppelganger.: voices from above
Doppelganger.: What did I see? Can I believe, that what I saw that day was real and not just fantasy? 'Cause in my dreams, It's always there: The evil face that twists my mind and brings me to despair.
carini19: ponte milvio black snow
The New No. 2: Milwaukee Art Museum
quas: Sitting Lady Falls