beninfreo: Sunrise at Quindalup jetty 3:1
beninfreo: Quindalup jetty 2:1
beninfreo: Splendid Fairy Wren father and son 1
beninfreo: Splendid Fairy Wren male 1
beninfreo: Splendid Fairy Wren father and son 2
beninfreo: Splendid Fairy Wren couple 1
beninfreo: Splendid Fairy Wren father and son 3
beninfreo: Splendid Fairy Wren father and son 4
beninfreo: Splendid Fairy Wren father and son 5
beninfreo: Splendid Fairy Wren female
beninfreo: A splendid Splendid Fairy Wren
beninfreo: Quindalup beach at sunrise panorama
beninfreo: Cormorant and duck
beninfreo: White Tailed Black Cockatoos
beninfreo: Sugarloaf Rock, Cape Nauturaliste
beninfreo: Kookaburra hunting
beninfreo: Grebe surfaced
beninfreo: Grebe hunting
beninfreo: Splendid Fairywren (Malurus splendens)
beninfreo: Splendid Fairywren (Malurus splendens)
beninfreo: Yabby fishing cormorant
beninfreo: Australian Grebe ripples
beninfreo: Sugarloaf rock
beninfreo: Sugarloaf rock b and w
beninfreo: Quindalup jetty black and white
beninfreo: Brown snakes
beninfreo: Brown snakes
beninfreo: Brown snakes
beninfreo: Boat landing at Quindalup
beninfreo: Southern Emu-wren