Benimoto: A Hollywood beautiful girl
Benimoto: The Scrambler
Benimoto: The merry-go-round carousel
Benimoto: The Cliff Hanger
Benimoto: The Ferris wheel
Benimoto: The Downdraft
Benimoto: Swirly lights
Benimoto: Sandusky County Poultry Princess
Benimoto: One-footed pigeon
Benimoto: Harlequin bunnies
Benimoto: I am... intimidated
Benimoto: A marshmallow volcano
Benimoto: Best of Show moldy pie
Benimoto: The art show
Benimoto: Trash, crowds, Ferris wheel
Benimoto: The demolition derby line-up
Benimoto: Fried pickles
Benimoto: A walking taco