BenGuthrie: Emily's ready for child #2
BenGuthrie: When do the drugs kick in?
BenGuthrie: Ditto's First Picture
BenGuthrie: Emily's first picture as a double-mommy
BenGuthrie: Cutting the Umbilical Cord
BenGuthrie: Holding the very new baby
BenGuthrie: The first clean hold
BenGuthrie: Reunited
BenGuthrie: Eyes opening
BenGuthrie: What are you looking at?
BenGuthrie: Grandkid #3 for Papa John
BenGuthrie: Aunt Jenny gets a yawn
BenGuthrie: Meeting the Nephew
BenGuthrie: I won a prize!
BenGuthrie: Happy Mom
BenGuthrie: IMG_8128
BenGuthrie: IMG_8136
BenGuthrie: Big Brother trying to escape
BenGuthrie: Joseph wanted nothing to do with baby
BenGuthrie: Looking at Little Wonder
BenGuthrie: Joseph with brother
BenGuthrie: Hair in Profile
BenGuthrie: In Repose
BenGuthrie: Posing
BenGuthrie: You are little
BenGuthrie: Alex & Desiree meet Felix
BenGuthrie: IMG_8177
BenGuthrie: IMG_8178