Ben Gaa:
Jerry Gaa Lamp top left @SoulardGallery Steampunk Show ~ #JerryGaa #SoulardGallery #Steampunk
Ben Gaa:
Two Jerry Gaa Lamps @SoulardGallery Steampunk Show ~ #JerryGaa #SoulardGallery #Steampunk
Ben Gaa:
Jerry Gaa & Two Jerry Gaa Lamps @SoulardGallery Steampunk Show ~ #JerryGaa #SoulardGallery #Steampunk
Ben Gaa:
Two Jerry Gaa Lamps @SoulardGallery Steampunk Show 2 ~ #JerryGaa #SoulardGallery #Steampunk
Ben Gaa:
Jerry Gaa photo shoot for a forthcoming artist article @BND ~ #JerryGaa #art #SWIC #Belleville
Ben Gaa:
So LEGO Bob Ross is a thing. The happy little tree of my heart just bloomed. ~ #BobRoss #LEGO #HappyLittleTrees
Ben Gaa:
William Downs “Sometimes it hurts” @ContemporarySTL ~ #art #ContemporaryArtMuseumSTL #CAMSTL #WilliamDowns
Ben Gaa:
My Dad next to his three pieces (top three) in the “Faces” show at the Soulard Art Gallery, the third piece “Lips” won an Honorable Mention! ~ #art #artists #JerryGaa #Soulard #SoulardArtMarket