Ben Gaa: I love the way the yard comes alive in the Spring. #beforethefirstmow
Ben Gaa: Flower Power ~ Spring in a City Backyard #springcity
Ben Gaa: I love it when our giant lilac bush blooms.
Ben Gaa: Did I say giant lilac? I mean it!
Ben Gaa: "And it was called yellow…" #yellow
Ben Gaa: Purple Cones 7-6-14#coneflowers #coneheads
Ben Gaa: Milk Thistle 7-6-14#milkthistle
Ben Gaa: I am not the only one who likes letting the wild onions bloom. #wildonions
Ben Gaa: Wild Onions in Bloom #wildonions
Ben Gaa: Wild Onions in Bloom #wildonions