benft: hanging in there
benft: desperate measures...
benft: Viking Bros.
benft: seasoned
benft: was an actual Hudson dealer until '95 (!) a museum
benft: nature reclaiming abandoned General Motors plant parking lot
benft: Post-Katrina New Orleans
benft: going...going....
benft: lovingly unrestored 2
benft: lovingly unrestored
benft: Clinton Woolen Mills 1
benft: Clinton Woolen Mills 2
benft: Celina, Ohio - former table factory
benft: CHeStErFiElD
benft: Frankfort to Wisconsin
benft: Travel Mote, Ruggles Ohio
benft: Long Term Camping, Ruggles Ohio
benft: South Chicago Plumbing
benft: Chop Suey Danger
benft: Fun with Kids in backlot Detroit 2
benft: Detroit Beautification, in progress
benft: Dream of Detroit
benft: '59 Cadillac at rest
benft: train engine at rest
benft: 1930s firetruck 3
benft: 1930s firetruck 2
benft: 1930s firetruck 1
benft: lovely autumn colors
benft: best used car lot ever 2
benft: Long Lost Gas, Scotts Michigan