*Zoha.Nve: “There's an important difference between giving up and letting go”
*Zoha.Nve: ~Show me something pretty
*Zoha.Nve: “Think of all the beauty still left around you and be happy.”
*Zoha.Nve: “We sat side by side in the morning light and looked out at the future together.”
*Zoha.Nve: One day.
*Zoha.Nve: 4:36 pm
*Zoha.Nve: ~ This moment will just be another story someday
*Zoha.Nve: Shootout with Farshid (aka...Panj e Varooneh)
*Zoha.Nve: end of the June~
*Zoha.Nve: *GGT
*Zoha.Nve: Fence For Friday.
*Zoha.Nve: listen to Autumn~
*Zoha.Nve: Summer Morning.
*Zoha.Nve: The Island.
*Zoha.Nve: Mothers with love.
*Zoha.Nve: At the forest
*Zoha.Nve: The morning.
*Zoha.Nve: The little Pumpkin.
*Zoha.Nve: lets talk about tea
*Zoha.Nve: “Nobody knows what you feel inside unless you tell them.”
*Zoha.Nve: Charming Chemex and Sexy Kettle