bendystraw: Trenton Sunset
bendystraw: gazeebo overlooking the water
bendystraw: cozy cottage on a rainy day
bendystraw: the cottage
bendystraw: another beautiful Trenton sunset
bendystraw: high tide at "our" beach
bendystraw: grilling
bendystraw: steps to the beach
bendystraw: purple sunset
bendystraw: Trenton, Maine beach
bendystraw: googley-eyed crab
bendystraw: Trenton, Maine beach
bendystraw: DSCF2035
bendystraw: Trenton, Maine beach
bendystraw: Trenton, Maine beach
bendystraw: Trenton, Maine beach
bendystraw: seaweed
bendystraw: Delirium delivery
bendystraw: Old Orchard Beach
bendystraw: Eric and his popover a la mode
bendystraw: Sand Beach
bendystraw: Eric threatens to destroy the entire balance of Acadia National Park
bendystraw: fuzzy worm
bendystraw: Wonderwall
bendystraw: Wonderwall
bendystraw: Cadillac Cliffs trail
bendystraw: Cadillac Cliffs trail
bendystraw: Cadillac Cliffs trail
bendystraw: Eric at the sea cave