bendystraw: sunset from the City Garden B&B
bendystraw: weather report
bendystraw: the dance where everyone goes after the salmon
bendystraw: Alert!
bendystraw: Eric is amazed to see dandelions
bendystraw: blue bells
bendystraw: Point Woronzof Park
bendystraw: taking a break
bendystraw: Anchorage from the Tony Knowles trail
bendystraw: Tony Knowles Coastal Trail
bendystraw: looking down on the beach
bendystraw: flowers & snow
bendystraw: Flattop Mountain trail
bendystraw: people on top of Flattop
bendystraw: Eric at the end of the Flattop Mountain trail
bendystraw: downtown Anchorage
bendystraw: Journey Unauthorized
bendystraw: Polynesians doing some kind of strip tease
bendystraw: tulips
bendystraw: Anchorage sunset
bendystraw: whale jawbones
bendystraw: hikers ascend Flattop Mountain
bendystraw: Chugach State Park
bendystraw: Eric fulfills a lifelong dream of moose riding
bendystraw: Mt Susitna at sunset