Ben Richardson's Photos: Dylan - Fed1_R3_New_002
Ben Richardson's Photos: Duncan, Dylan and Friend 3 - Fed1_R3_New_003
Ben Richardson's Photos: Duncan and Dylan - Fed1_R3_New_004
Ben Richardson's Photos: Alec, Gwen and Romilly - Fed1_R3_New_012
Ben Richardson's Photos: Isabel, Louisa and Dylan - Fed1_R3_New_014
Ben Richardson's Photos: We're rooting for acorns - Fed1_R3_New_027
Ben Richardson's Photos: Duncan in action-shot catalogue pose - Fed1_R3_New_005
Ben Richardson's Photos: Dylan on the frame - Fed1_R3_New_009
Ben Richardson's Photos: Alec, Romilly and Ben - Fed1_R3_New_010
Ben Richardson's Photos: Who knew sticks could be so much fun - Fed1_R3_New_026
Ben Richardson's Photos: Alec, Ben, Gwen and Romilly - Fed1_R3_New_013
Ben Richardson's Photos: Isabel and Louisa discussing their next move - Fed1_R3_New_018
Ben Richardson's Photos: Joseph and Louisa - was she pushed or... - Fed1_R3_New_019
Ben Richardson's Photos: Wish I'd taken this in landscape - Fed1_R3_New_031
Ben Richardson's Photos: Attitude - Fed1_R3_New_033
Ben Richardson's Photos: We're looking for acorns - Fed1_R3_New_034
Ben Richardson's Photos: Shall I jump? - Fed1_R3_New_021_1
Ben Richardson's Photos: Yep, that's a stick - Fed1_R3_New_024_1
Ben Richardson's Photos: Elliot and Joseph plotting their next jump - Fed1_R3_New_020_1
Ben Richardson's Photos: Posing for the album cover - Fed1_R3_New_032_1
Ben Richardson's Photos: Alec, Romilly and Ben - Fed1_R3_New_015