bendan42: kristy and esmae
bendan42: kristy and esmae
bendan42: esmae with a smoothie moustache
bendan42: elyse flying her kite
bendan42: elyse flying her kite
bendan42: elyse's kite
bendan42: elias on the tractor
bendan42: Elias on the tractor
bendan42: weird racist Republic, Ohio porch decorations
bendan42: weird racist Republic, Ohio porch decorations
bendan42: aaron shooting the .35-caliber rifle
bendan42: elyse shooting the .35-caliber
bendan42: Elyse shooting the .35-caliber
bendan42: aaron and esmae
bendan42: pickup truck self portrait w/ elyse, aaron and esmae
bendan42: elyse with esmae and pierre
bendan42: fire cooking
bendan42: esmae and pierre
bendan42: kristy on the tractor
bendan42: elyse throwing shoes into the shoe tree
bendan42: elyse fetching shoes from the shoe tree