Bend The Light: Man in the mirror silver
Bend The Light: Movember 10th
Bend The Light: Movember 13th
Bend The Light: Movember 23rd
Bend The Light: Movember 28th
Bend The Light: 30th Movember
Bend The Light: Self Portrait...
Bend The Light: 12-4-2012 Me
Bend The Light: 12-4-2012 Me
Bend The Light: 12-4-2012 Me
Bend The Light: 12-4-2012 Me
Bend The Light: 12-4-2012 Me mono
Bend The Light: 13-5-2012 Me and the 40D
Bend The Light: Selfie-Guitar-2
Bend The Light: Selfie-1
Bend The Light: Selfie-1a
Bend The Light: Selfie-Guitar-1