benchilada: Lily flowers in pond at Allerton Park
benchilada: Algae on the lily pond aerator at Allerton Park
benchilada: Ted becomes sensitive about his weight as the lily pad sinks
benchilada: Ted's attempts to protect the sphinx's honor were well-intentioned but led to an embarassing situation
benchilada: Pock-marked caryatid face at Allerton
benchilada: Pock-marked caryatid at Allerton Park
benchilada: Green Man relief on the mansion at Allerton Park
benchilada: Statue looking kinda sexy at Allerton Park
benchilada: One of Richard Koehl's Sea Maiden statues
benchilada: Two Sea Maidens by Richard Kuohl on pillars at the formal gardens
benchilada: Where in the world is Theodore Sallis
benchilada: Ted is--given the right conditions--great at hide and seek
benchilada: Nadja next to the sheep-lion-dragon statues
benchilada: Ted thinks he may be related these grapes by marriage
benchilada: Stone fish statue in the parterre garden
benchilada: Nadja shades her camera with her hat to get a good shot
benchilada: Ted wanted him to play Born on the Bayou but settled for The Beautiful Nandu River
benchilada: Sunken garden
benchilada: Sunken garden with shachi fish on the entrance
benchilada: Even a Man-Thing likes to swing
benchilada: Ted starts to relax a bit
benchilada: DEAR GOD, WHY?!
benchilada: Buddha statue in the Buddha pavilion
benchilada: Nadja takes an awkward position to get a great shot
benchilada: Fu dog row
benchilada: Buddha pavilion
benchilada: Derping fu dog statue number two
benchilada: Nature with fu dog
benchilada: Derping fu dog statue
benchilada: Death and life at Allerton