benchilada: Nadja and I sneakily took this photo of a non-ironic use of an internet meme thing - Can you find it
benchilada: Enhancement of Nadja's non-ironic memespotting
benchilada: Prehistoric vehicles - Before they had evolved cockpits or cabins
benchilada: Longing
benchilada: Uncle Natey and Mama and the former's cab stand thing at Orlando International Airport
benchilada: Grease drips from the tip of a Denny's french fry order
benchilada: In spite of my skewed worldview she loves me
benchilada: While I'm sure there's a message here I'm not sure what it is
benchilada: Porn Store - Flower Shop - Cremation Company - Check-On-Hold - Window Repairs in the weirdest strip mall
benchilada: Nadja and I took the wrong exit and got to help these girls who had been stranded with a shredded tire for an hour 2
benchilada: Nadja and I took the wrong exit and got to help these girls who had been stranded with a shredded tire for an hour
benchilada: Obligatory Nadja Holding An Omlet pic
benchilada: Turkey and stuffing and sourdough bread and gravy dipping sauce - Bless you America
benchilada: A few more grits than a reasonable person would expect at a Denny's
benchilada: Japanese Restaurant
benchilada: Japanese Restaurant next to Italian-Greek-Spanish food and Tim's
benchilada: White birds swarm my mama's neighbor's yard 3
benchilada: White birds swarm my mama's neighbor's yard 2
benchilada: White birds swarm my mama's neighbor's yard
benchilada: Nadja snaps shots of the white birds 3
benchilada: Nadja snaps shots of the white birds 2
benchilada: Nadja snaps shots of the white birds
benchilada: The white birds take off 2
benchilada: The white birds take off
benchilada: Camarones a la diabla for Uncle Natey and a barbacoa burrito for Mama
benchilada: Nadja's enchiladas with salsa verde
benchilada: My chicharrón sandwich
benchilada: Spot the gecko
benchilada: Nadja impartially weighs the facts in a jury box at the Orange County Regional History Center
benchilada: Uncle Natey and Mama contemplate justice at the Orange County Regional History Center