Ben Bawden: Folly at Painshill Park
Ben Bawden: The bridge at Painshill Park 1
Ben Bawden: The bridge at Painshill Park 2
Ben Bawden: The cottage at Painshill Park
Ben Bawden: The gothic tower at Painshill Park 1
Ben Bawden: The gothic tower at Painshill Park 2
Ben Bawden: The gothic tower at Painshill Park 3
Ben Bawden: The gothic tower at Painshill Park detail
Ben Bawden: Ruined abbey at Painshill Park
Ben Bawden: The bridge at Painshill Park 3
Ben Bawden: The ruined abbey at Painshill Park 2
Ben Bawden: Venus fly trap
Ben Bawden: Fallen log
Ben Bawden: Deus ex machina
Ben Bawden: Berries
Ben Bawden: Flowers
Ben Bawden: Egyptian goose
Ben Bawden: Egyptian geese
Ben Bawden: Painshill Park
Ben Bawden: Painshill Park
Ben Bawden: Painshill Park
Ben Bawden: Painshill Park
Ben Bawden: Painshill Park
Ben Bawden: Painshill Park
Ben Bawden: Painshill Park