benlarhome: Nihahi Ridge Hike/Scramble - A view of the nearby Banded Peak (in the centre)
benlarhome: Nihahi Ridge Hike/Scramble - The highway to the trailhead
benlarhome: Nihahi Ridge Hike/Scramble - Getting closer to the trailhead
benlarhome: Nihahi Ridge Hike/Scramble - First glimpse of our summit destination for today
benlarhome: Nihahi Ridge Hike/Scramble - Larry at the start
benlarhome: Nihahi Ridge Hike/Scramble - We spotted some Wintergreen
benlarhome: Nihahi Ridge Hike/Scramble - A lovely Brown-eyed Susan next to the trail
benlarhome: Nihahi Ridge Hike/Scramble - A warning sign, in view of the recent wildfires
benlarhome: Nihahi Ridge Hike/Scramble - Larry walking past an Arnica
benlarhome: Nihahi Ridge Hike/Scramble - Our version of 'bouldering'
benlarhome: Nihahi Ridge Hike/Scramble - Ben midway on the hike, approaching the ridge
benlarhome: Nihahi Ridge Hike/Scramble - Ben on the ridge, the summit can be seen in the distance
benlarhome: Nihahi Ridge Hike/Scramble - We spotted this Anica Checkerspot on the trail
benlarhome: Nihahi Ridge Hike/Scramble - Larry at the start of the ridge
benlarhome: Nihahi Ridge Hike/Scramble - Larry on the ridge, with the summit in the distance on the left
benlarhome: Nihahi Ridge Hike/Scramble - Ben on the west side of the approach ridge, views to the south
benlarhome: Nihahi Ridge Hike/Scramble - Larry below cliffs we walked underneath
benlarhome: Nihahi Ridge Hike/Scramble - We've had lots of rain, which still can fall as snow in the mountains
benlarhome: Nihahi Ridge Hike/Scramble - Larry nearing the first crux
benlarhome: Nihahi Ridge Hike/Scramble - Ben finishing the first 'crux' or challenging spot
benlarhome: Nihahi Ridge Hike/Scramble - Larry at the first crux
benlarhome: Nihahi Ridge Hike/Scramble - A yellow wildflower in an early phase
benlarhome: Nihahi Ridge Hike/Scramble - A view of the Little Elbow River
benlarhome: Nihahi Ridge Hike/Scramble - A Least Chipmunk paid us a visit
benlarhome: Nihahi Ridge Hike/Scramble - Where's Waldo? AKA find Ben climbing up the final crux
benlarhome: Nihahi Ridge Hike/Scramble - Ben on the summit ridge, nice dropoffs either side
benlarhome: Nihahi Ridge Hike/Scramble - Larry, with Ben WAY in the background...
benlarhome: Nihahi Ridge Hike/Scramble - Ben on one of the safer parts of the summit ridge
benlarhome: Nihahi Ridge Hike/Scramble - Larry at the second crux, with Forgetmenot Mountain in the distance
benlarhome: Nihahi Ridge Hike/Scramble - Larry strikes a pose the summit ridge