benlarhome: Top of the Giant Hike - Sleeping Giant Provincial Park - The 'Sleeping Giant' from the highway
benlarhome: Top of the Giant Hike - Sleeping Giant Provincial Park - Entry to the park itself
benlarhome: Top of the Giant Hike - Sleeping Giant Provincial Park - The trailhead
benlarhome: Top of the Giant Hike - Sleeping Giant Provincial Park - Info sign and shadow
benlarhome: Ben's 2022 Bird Count - #94 - Top of the Giant Hike - Sleeping Giant Provincial Park - A female Ruffed Grouse, seen on the way to Sea Lion rocks
benlarhome: Ben's 2022 Bird Count - #95 - Top of the Giant Hike - Sleeping Giant Provincial Park - A male Ruffed Grouse, seen on the way to Sea Lion
benlarhome: Top of the Giant Hike - Sleeping Giant Provincial Park - First stop, Sea Lion rocks
benlarhome: Ben's 2022 Bird Count - #96 - Top of the Giant Hike - Sleeping Giant Provincial Park - A White-throated Sparrow, seen on the way to Sea Lion
benlarhome: Top of the Giant Hike - Sleeping Giant Provincial Park - The Viking Octantis, seen on the way to Sea Lion
benlarhome: Top of the Giant Hike - Sleeping Giant Provincial Park - Likely Trowbridge Lighthouse, as seen on the way to Sea Lion
benlarhome: Top of the Giant Hike - Sleeping Giant Provincial Park - We spot a cruise ship on the way to Sea Lion rocks
benlarhome: Top of the Giant Hike - Sleeping Giant Provincial Park - Views of the Sea Lion rocks
benlarhome: Top of the Giant Hike - Sleeping Giant Provincial Park - Views of the Sea Lion rocks
benlarhome: Top of the Giant Hike - Sleeping Giant Provincial Park - Views of the Sea Lion rocks
benlarhome: Top of the Giant Hike - Sleeping Giant Provincial Park - The explanation of the Sea Lion
benlarhome: Top of the Giant Hike - Sleeping Giant Provincial Park - Views of the Sea Lion rocks
benlarhome: Top of the Giant Hike - Sleeping Giant Provincial Park - Much of the trail was like this
benlarhome: Top of the Giant Hike - Sleeping Giant Provincial Park - Tee Harbour
benlarhome: Top of the Giant Hike - Sleeping Giant Provincial Park - The east bay of Tee Harbour
benlarhome: Top of the Giant Hike - Sleeping Giant Provincial Park - The east bay of Tee Harbour
benlarhome: Top of the Giant Hike - Sleeping Giant Provincial Park - More options
benlarhome: Top of the Giant Hike - Sleeping Giant Provincial Park - Ben on the steps to "Frog Pond"
benlarhome: Top of the Giant Hike - Sleeping Giant Provincial Park - Larry on the steps to "Frog Pond"
benlarhome: Top of the Giant Hike - Sleeping Giant Provincial Park - More steps below the "Frog Pond"
benlarhome: Top of the Giant Hike - Sleeping Giant Provincial Park - Bracket fungus near "Frog Lake"
benlarhome: Top of the Giant Hike - Sleeping Giant Provincial Park - Nice to see the ferns starting
benlarhome: Top of the Giant Hike - Sleeping Giant Provincial Park - A chorus of frogs greets us at "Frog Pond"
benlarhome: Top of the Giant Hike - Sleeping Giant Provincial Park - "Frog Pond" pano
benlarhome: Top of the Giant Hike - Sleeping Giant Provincial Park - Option, options...
benlarhome: Top of the Giant Hike - Sleeping Giant Provincial Park - Ben starting up the steep section