benlarhome: Yates Mountain via Prairie View Trail Winter Hike - Larry, with the Rockies in the background
benlarhome: Yates Mountain via Prairie View Trail Winter Hike - On descent, views north
benlarhome: 2021 January 8 - Powderface Ridge summit (from Elbow Falls) winter hike - A lovely day for a hike!
benlarhome: 2021 January 8 - Powderface Ridge summit (from Elbow Falls) winter hike - Hoar frost close-up
benlarhome: Midnight Peak Winter Summit Hike - Ben topping out at the summit
benlarhome: Midnight Peak Winter Summit Hike - Ben at the summit
benlarhome: Loder Peak via Door Jamb Mountain Winter Scramble - Did you ever see a bluer sky? Larry studies Door Jamb, our first peak of the day
benlarhome: Loder Peak via Door Jamb Mountain Winter Scramble - Ben above the 500 m cliff which is the east face of Loder Peak
benlarhome: Mount Baldy winter summit scramble - Larry trots along the summit ridge
benlarhome: Mount Baldy winter summit scramble - Me and my shadow 2
benlarhome: Wasootch Peak Winter Summit - Ben arriving at "The Notch"
benlarhome: Wasootch Peak Winter Summit Hike - Larry on the descent ridge
benlarhome: Prairie Mountain summit hike, rtn via Prairie Creek Trail - This is the only summit we know where people keep a flag posted
benlarhome: Prairie Mountain summit hike, rtn via Prairie Creek Trail - Larry heading down the ridge past the summit
benlarhome: Kent Ridge Winter Snowshoe - Larry evading the cornices, just...
benlarhome: Kent Ridge Winter Snowshoe - Larry heading to yet another false summit
benlarhome: Sarrail Ridge Summit Snowshoe - Nature's snow sculptures dot the trail
benlarhome: Sarrail Ridge Summit Snowshoe - Ben approaching the summit
benlarhome: Volcano Peak (Little McDougall) Summit Snowshoe - Larry approaching the summit area
benlarhome: Volcano Peak (Little McDougall) Summit Snowshoe - We store our water bottles outside our backpacks, and they froze up a bit today
benlarhome: Bull Creek Hills Loop Winter Scramble - These rocks are the top of the first major highpoint, with a view of Holy Cross Mountain in the background
benlarhome: Bull Creek Hills Loop Winter Scramble - With the temperatures warming, annoyingly, snow clumps to our feet
benlarhome: Mount Haffner Summit Snowshoe - Up here, you have know what's a cornice and what's a ridge..
benlarhome: Mount Haffner Summit Snowshoe - Larry following the upper ridge towards the summit
benlarhome: Red Ridge Snowshoe - Hike - Scramble - Larry just leaving treeline
benlarhome: Red Ridge Snowshoe - Hike - Scramble - Ben crosses a snow-filled gully
benlarhome: Helena Ridge East Hike / Snowshoe - Ben on the snowshoe route next to backcountry skiers' tracks
benlarhome: Helena Ridge East Hike / Snowshoe - Larry annotating the track on our Alltrail's app
benlarhome: Gap Peak Summit Hike - Larry further on the ridge leading to the summit
benlarhome: Gap Peak Summit Hike - Ben descending the summit ridge - the summit is the high point on the right