benlarhome: The Dempster Highway and Tombstone Territorial Park - Low clouds with autumn colours
benlarhome: The Dempster Highway and Tombstone Territorial Park - From the Tombstone TP Info Centre
benlarhome: The Dempster Highway and Tombstone Territorial Park - Views from the windows of the Tombstone TP
benlarhome: The Dempster Highway and Tombstone Territorial Park - We were seeomg quite a number of red-coloured aspens in the Yukon, but most still yellow in the fall
benlarhome: The Dempster Highway and Tombstone Territorial Park - The highway
benlarhome: The Dempster Highway and Tombstone Territorial Park - Views from the highway
benlarhome: The Dempster Highway and Tombstone Territorial Park - Low clouds
benlarhome: The Dempster Highway and Tombstone Territorial Park - Autumn colour near the road
benlarhome: The Dempster Highway and Tombstone Territorial Park - Park sign
benlarhome: The Dempster Highway and Tombstone Territorial Park - Colour near the highway
benlarhome: The Dempster Highway and Tombstone Territorial Park - Marsh Wren 1
benlarhome: The Dempster Highway and Tombstone Territorial Park - Two Moose Lake muskrat
benlarhome: The Dempster Highway and Tombstone Territorial Park - Marsh Wren 2
benlarhome: The Dempster Highway and Tombstone Territorial Park - Two swans at Two Moose Lake
benlarhome: The Dempster Highway and Tombstone Territorial Park - We didn't see any moose, but saw some birds and a muskrat
benlarhome: The Dempster Highway and Tombstone Territorial Park - Inviting hills
benlarhome: The Dempster Highway and Tombstone Territorial Park - Tundra and mountains
benlarhome: The Dempster Highway and Tombstone Territorial Park - Fold Mountain
benlarhome: The Dempster Highway and Tombstone Territorial Park - TUndra
benlarhome: The Dempster Highway and Tombstone Territorial Park - The Information Centre
benlarhome: The Dempster Highway and Tombstone Territorial Park - That's a long ditch!
benlarhome: The Dempster Highway and Tombstone Territorial Park - Bench at the Visitor Centre
benlarhome: The Dempster Highway and Tombstone Territorial Park - Tundra Scenics
benlarhome: The Dempster Highway and Tombstone Territorial Park - Tundra scenics (3)
benlarhome: The Dempster Highway and Tombstone Territorial Park - Tunddra scenics
benlarhome: The Dempster Highway and Tombstone Territorial Park - Tundra scenics (4)
benlarhome: The Dempster Highway and Tombstone Territorial Park - Muakerat at Two Moose Lake
benlarhome: The Dempster Highway and Tombstone Territorial Park - Marsh Wren (I think)
benlarhome: The Dempster Highway and Tombstone Territorial Park - Goldenside Trail
benlarhome: The Dempster Highway and Tombstone Territorial Park - Goldensides pano