benlarhome: Mount Temple Summit Hike/Scramble - Short Video
benlarhome: Mount Temple Scramble - Early morning serenity at the Moraine Lake trailhead
benlarhome: Mount Temple Scramble - And you should have seen the line-up when they were open...
benlarhome: Mount Temple Scramble - A trio of youngsters on Moraine Lake. It turns out, they are juvenile Harlequin Ducks!
benlarhome: Mount Temple Scramble - The trail to Mount Temple goes through Larch Valley
benlarhome: Mount Temple Scramble - After Larch Valley is Sentinel Pass on the left, and Mt Temple in the distant centre
benlarhome: Mount Temple Scramble - Looking back at Larch Valley from the slopes of Sentinel Pass
benlarhome: Mount Temple Scramble - Ben starts up the long switchbacked trail that leads to Sentinel Pass
benlarhome: Mount Temple Scramble - No time for benches today!
benlarhome: Mount Temple Scramble - Why they call it Sentinel Pass
benlarhome: Mount Temple Scramble - Larry in Larch Valley
benlarhome: Mount Temple Scramble - Sentinel Pass is between Eiffel Peak on the left, and Mt Temple on the right
benlarhome: Mount Temple Scramble - For many, getting to Sentinel Pass is a job done. Not us...
benlarhome: Mount Temple Scramble - Minnestimma Lake from above Sentinel Pass
benlarhome: Mount Temple Scramble - These small ribbons and cairns marked the route all the way to summit. Many thanks to the person-people who put them there.
benlarhome: Mount Temple Scramble - We played leapfrog with this couple, and we got to the summit first...
benlarhome: Mount Temple Scramble - Ben enjoying the short scramble just above Sentinel Pass
benlarhome: Mount Temple Scramble - Larry at Sentinel Pass, views northwest
benlarhome: Mount Temple Scenics - Someone said, "Get a grip!" So I did... :)
benlarhome: Mount Temple Scramble - Ben making progess above Sentinel Pass
benlarhome: Mount Temple Scramble - Dwarf Fireweed only grows in the high alpine
benlarhome: Mount Temple Scramble - To the north of Mt Temple is Paradise Valley, far below
benlarhome: Mount Temple Scramble - A Golden-mantled Ground Squirrel drinking from a seepage
benlarhome: Mount Temple Scramble - Other hikers on the route
benlarhome: Mount Temple Scramble - Ben with the headwaters of Paradise Creek behind him
benlarhome: Mount Temple Scramble - Ben and others continuing up the mountain
benlarhome: Mount Temple Scramble - The stunning south face of Mt Temple from the approach ridge
benlarhome: Mount Temple Scramble - Ben at the summit, the top of the north facing glacier behind him
benlarhome: Mount Temple Scramble - Larry arriving at the summit ridge. And yes, he IS wearing two hats, don't ask...
benlarhome: Mount Temple Scramble - Summit selfie