benlarhome: Old Baldy Peak Summit Hike/Scramble Short Video
benlarhome: Old Baldy Peak Summit Scramble - Ben on the creek early in the hike
benlarhome: Old Baldy Peak Summit Scramble - A good trail follows the ridgeline to the meadows on Old Baldy Ridge
benlarhome: Old Baldy Peak Summit Scramble - Ben passes a samll clearing the ascent ridge
benlarhome: Old Baldy Peak Summit Scramble - Ben working his way through one of the boulder fields on the ascent ridge
benlarhome: Old Baldy Peak Summit Scramble - Larry on the beautiful cliffs on the way the ridge
benlarhome: Old Baldy Peak Summit Scramble - Ben in a small meadow en route to top of the ridge
benlarhome: Old Baldy Peak Summit Scramble - Today's summit object comes into view, looking very far away at this point...
benlarhome: Old Baldy Peak Summit Scramble - Sorpionweed
benlarhome: Old Baldy Peak Summit Scramble - The popular meadows at the top of Old Baldy Ridge, the Peak looms above
benlarhome: Old Baldy Peak Summit Scramble - Ben on the verdant ridge below the scramble
benlarhome: Old Baldy Peak Summit Scramble - Larry in the lush meadows of Old Baldy Ridge, Old Baldy Peak ahead
benlarhome: Old Baldy Peak Summit Scramble - Prairie Crocuses in the foreground, with lovely Shoot Stars in the mid-ground
benlarhome: Old Baldy Peak Summit Scramble - Ben starts up the scramble section, with the false summit high in the distance
benlarhome: Old Baldy Peak Summit Scramble - Beautiful wildflowers on the lower part of the scramble section
benlarhome: Old Baldy Peak Summit Scramble - Ben working his way up the lower part of the scramble section
benlarhome: Old Baldy Peak Summit Scramble - Ben with a tarn in valley below
benlarhome: Old Baldy Peak Summit Scramble - Ben in an interesting rock formation
benlarhome: Old Baldy Peak Summit Scramble - Ben working his way up the slabs below the summit
benlarhome: Old Baldy Peak Summit Scramble - Ben doing some fun scrambling on his way to the summit
benlarhome: Old Baldy Peak Summit Scramble - Larry takes a break near some unexpected snow near the summit
benlarhome: Old Baldy Peak Summit Scramble - Spot Larry on the upper slopes
benlarhome: Old Baldy Peak Summit Scramble - Ben at the summit
benlarhome: Old Baldy Peak Summit Scramble - Summit selfie
benlarhome: Old Baldy Peak Summit Scramble - Larry on descent. The tarn below on the right is still half way up the mountain
benlarhome: Old Baldy Peak Summit Scramble - Old Baldy Ridge is a carpet of wildflowers. You run into Maria Von Trapp up here...
benlarhome: Old Baldy Peak Summit Scramble - Larry at the scenic clffs on the return
benlarhome: Old Baldy Peak Summit Scramble - Larry passing some Paintbrush back in the forests of the lower slopes
benlarhome: Old Baldy Peak Summit Scramble - Just the facts