benlarhome: Folding Mountain Very Short Video Summary
benlarhome: Folding Mountain Summit Hike - The trailhead marker is just on the side of Highway 16
benlarhome: Folding Mountain Summit Hike - It's Wood Lily season
benlarhome: Folding Mountain Summit Hike - The first two kilometres of the hike are very steep but on a good trail
benlarhome: Folding Mountain Summit Hike - Odd wildflower Folding Mountain
benlarhome: Folding Mountain Summit Hike - Bluebells (aka Tall Lungwort) were in abundance
benlarhome: Folding Mountain Summit Hike - The upper ridge has a few lovely meadows
benlarhome: Folding Mountain Summit Hike - A Spruce Grouse with chicks
benlarhome: Folding Mountain Summit Hike - Ben with views northeast
benlarhome: Folding Mountain Summit Hike - Early morning light at a viewpoint of the cliffs along the upper section of the trail
benlarhome: Folding Mountain Summit Hike - Views to the west
benlarhome: Folding Mountain Summit Hike - Ben looking towards the summit
benlarhome: Folding Mountain Summit Hike - Larry on the final section of the approach ridge, just before the summit
benlarhome: Folding Mountain Summit Hike - Ben heading towards the summit
benlarhome: Folding Mountain Summit Hike - Ben with the summit now in view
benlarhome: Folding Mountain Summit Hike - An ant and a ladybug on the Bluebells, can you spot them?
benlarhome: Folding Mountain Summit Hike - Larry with the summit block just ahead
benlarhome: Folding Mountain Summit Hike - Marmot at the summit
benlarhome: Folding Mountain Summit Hike - Ben where the marmot used to be
benlarhome: Folding Mountain Summit Hike - Larry at the summit
benlarhome: Folding Mountain Summit Hike - Larry off the summit block, heading to the trailhead
benlarhome: Folding Mountain Summit Hike - Ben on the descent
benlarhome: Folding Mountain Summit Hike - Larry, with the summit block behind him
benlarhome: Folding Mountain Summit Hike - Ben on the descent through the forest
benlarhome: Folding Mountain Summit Hike - Every mountain should have an excellent brewery at its base
benlarhome: Folding Mountain Summit Hike - Just the facts.
benlarhome: Folding Mountain Summit Hike - Ben and Larry enjoying the free glass of beer the brewery gives to those who summit "their" mountain
benlarhome: Folding Mountain Summit Hike - Jolly warm out there!