benlarhome: Anû kathâ Îpa aka Bald Eagle Peak summit scramble - Ben heads out on the short easy section leading from the trailhead
benlarhome: Anû kathâ Îpa aka Bald Eagle Peak summit scramble - Quite a display of Calypso Orchids in the woods
benlarhome: Anû kathâ Îpa aka Bald Eagle Peak summit scramble - Devastating errosion from the 2013 floods, with our summit destination in the background
benlarhome: Anû kathâ Îpa aka Bald Eagle Peak summit scramble - The trail through the woods sometimes was very faint
benlarhome: Anû kathâ Îpa aka Bald Eagle Peak summit scramble - A male Spruce Grouse was keeping his eye on us, but didn't flee
benlarhome: Anû kathâ Îpa aka Bald Eagle Peak summit scramble - Ben continuing up the lower slopes
benlarhome: Anû kathâ Îpa aka Bald Eagle Peak summit scramble - Larry, with Calypso Orchids
benlarhome: Anû kathâ Îpa aka Bald Eagle Peak summit scramble - Calypso Orchid close-ups
benlarhome: Anû kathâ Îpa aka Bald Eagle Peak summit scramble - Ben takes a breather on the lower slopes, the famous Three Sisters in the background
benlarhome: Anû kathâ Îpa aka Bald Eagle Peak summit scramble - Ben rounding a bend in the trail
benlarhome: Anû kathâ Îpa aka Bald Eagle Peak summit scramble - Larry heading up the faint trail through the lower forest
benlarhome: Anû kathâ Îpa aka Bald Eagle Peak summit scramble - Ben with views towards Banff National Park
benlarhome: Anû kathâ Îpa aka Bald Eagle Peak summit scramble - Ben midway along the route
benlarhome: Anû kathâ Îpa aka Bald Eagle Peak summit scramble - The route gets quite narrows on this ridge
benlarhome: Anû kathâ Îpa aka Bald Eagle Peak summit scramble - The work begins, now above tree line
benlarhome: Anû kathâ Îpa aka Bald Eagle Peak summit scramble - The route follows this exposed, narrow ridge
benlarhome: Anû kathâ Îpa aka Bald Eagle Peak summit scramble - A fall here would be fatal, this is known as "exposure"
benlarhome: Anû kathâ Îpa aka Bald Eagle Peak summit scramble - Interesting microscopic geology
benlarhome: Anû kathâ Îpa aka Bald Eagle Peak summit scramble - A tiny fossil here at the top of the mountain
benlarhome: Anû kathâ Îpa aka Bald Eagle Peak summit scramble - This cute Pika posed for us for a few seconds
benlarhome: Anû kathâ Îpa aka Bald Eagle Peak summit scramble - Ben on the final push to the summit
benlarhome: Ben atop Anû kathâ Îpa aka Bald Eagle Peak
benlarhome: Anû kathâ Îpa aka Bald Eagle Peak summit scramble - Ben begins the descent passing a clump of Purple Mountain Saxafrage
benlarhome: Anû kathâ Îpa aka Bald Eagle Peak summit scramble - It looks difficult, but the rock is "grippy" and there are good handholds
benlarhome: Anû kathâ Îpa aka Bald Eagle Peak summit scramble - Summit selife, with Canmore in the valley to the south
benlarhome: Anû kathâ Îpa aka Bald Eagle Peak summit scramble - Just the facts. It took a long time for us to do, but no regrets!
benlarhome: Bald Eagle Peak Video