benlarhome: Grant MacEwan Peak Video Summary
benlarhome: Grant MacEwan Peak Spring Summit Hike - The valley section of today's route was a mix of ice and mud
benlarhome: Grant MacEwan Peak Spring Summit Hike - The valley section of the route passes a still-frozen pond
benlarhome: Grant MacEwan Peak Spring Summit Hike - Starting up the ridge, we pass one short section with fallen trees
benlarhome: Grant MacEwan Peak Spring Summit Hike - Some sections were bare
benlarhome: Grant MacEwan Peak Spring Summit Hike - Views to the north begin to open
benlarhome: Grant MacEwan Peak Spring Summit Hike - To the east, we see the treed Engagement Mountain in the mid-ground, and in the far distance, the impressive face of Mt Yamnuska
benlarhome: Grant MacEwan Peak Spring Summit Hike - Some sections had well-packed snow on the trail
benlarhome: Grant MacEwan Peak Spring Summit Hike - Views west of the Bow River valley from midway up
benlarhome: Grant MacEwan Peak Spring Summit Hike - To the east and higher up, we see the treed Engagement Mountain in the mid-ground, and in the far distance, the impressive face of Mt Yamnuska
benlarhome: Grant MacEwan Peak Spring Summit Hike - Ben continuing up the well-packed trail
benlarhome: Grant MacEwan Peak Spring Summit Hike - Views northwest, with the lovely Baymag cement plant in the valley
benlarhome: Grant MacEwan Peak Spring Summit Hike - Continuing up the route
benlarhome: Grant MacEwan Peak Spring Summit Hike - Across the valley, we see Mt Fable
benlarhome: Grant MacEwan Peak Spring Summit Hike - Nearing the summit ridge
benlarhome: Grant MacEwan Peak Spring Summit Hike - We followed the ridge on the left to the treed summit of Grant MacEwan Peak
benlarhome: Grant MacEwan Peak Spring Summit Hike - Ben on the summit ridge
benlarhome: Grant MacEwan Peak Spring Summit Hike - Wind chiseled cornices on the summit ridge
benlarhome: Grant MacEwan Peak Spring Summit Hike - Ben further along the summit ridge
benlarhome: Grant MacEwan Peak Spring Summit Hike - In the middle-ground is the south face of Heart Mountain
benlarhome: Grant MacEwan Peak Spring Summit Hike - Ben heading towards the summit
benlarhome: Grant MacEwan Peak Spring Summit Hike - Ben at the flat, treed summit area of Grant MacEwan Peak
benlarhome: Grant MacEwan Peak Spring Summit Hike - Snow cornices on the summit ridge
benlarhome: Grant MacEwan Peak Spring Summit Hike - Larry on the summit ridge
benlarhome: Grant MacEwan Peak Spring Summit Hike - Oddly, this rather large cairn is midway along the summit ridge
benlarhome: Grant MacEwan Peak Spring Summit Hike - Summit Selfie
benlarhome: Grant MacEwan Peak Spring Summit Hike - The summit cairn with register
benlarhome: Grant MacEwan Peak Spring Summit Hike - View east from the summit of the still frozen Barrier Lake
benlarhome: Grant MacEwan Peak Spring Summit Hike - Some beautiful krummholz from the ascent ridge
benlarhome: Grant MacEwan Peak Spring Summit Hike - Larry heading back along the summit ridge