benlarhome: Mount Lipsett Summit Hike - Flossy would like to remind you the road will closing Dec 1, thank-you.
benlarhome: Mount Lipsett Summit Hike - A gentle reminder...
benlarhome: Mount Lipsett Summit Hike - Oh what fun we're about to have...
benlarhome: Mount Lipsett Summit Hike - The trail improved after the muddy section
benlarhome: Mount Lipsett Summit Hike - Ben taking a breather
benlarhome: Mount Lipsett Summit Hike - Alpine Larch trees across the valley
benlarhome: Mount Lipsett Summit Hike - Some Alpine Larch trees near our route
benlarhome: Mount Lipsett Summit Hike - Views west
benlarhome: Mount Lipsett Summit Hike - A gnarly old fellow we met along the way
benlarhome: Mount Lipsett Summit Hike - The trail on the upper section was nice and wide, and not overgrown...
benlarhome: Mount Lipsett Summit Hike - Ben with views south-east
benlarhome: Mount Lipsett Summit Hike - The trail is an old, former coal exploration road
benlarhome: Mount Lipsett Summit Hike - Larry heading up the trail
benlarhome: Mount Lipsett Summit Hike - The Alpine Larch trees are a bit past their prime for this year...
benlarhome: Mount Lipsett Summit Hike - The summit area lies straight ahead
benlarhome: Mount Lipsett Summit Hike - Approaching the col below the summit
benlarhome: Mount Lipsett Summit Hike - Larry on the final push to the summit
benlarhome: Mount Lipsett Summit Hike - Ben arriving at the summit area
benlarhome: Mount Lipsett Summit Hike - View north, looking at Highwood Pass, from the summit area
benlarhome: Mount Lipsett Summit Hike - Larry at the summit
benlarhome: Mount Lipsett Summit Hike - The grouse wasn't particularly concerned about us being there...
benlarhome: Mount Lipsett Summit Hike - The grouse
benlarhome: Mount Lipsett Summit Hike - Rocky Mountain Sheep seen on the drive home
benlarhome: Mount Lipsett Autumn Hike - Our GPS track with 3D topo - You can also see aa bit of our track to the summit of Mist Mountain, which looms above
benlarhome: Mount Lipsett Autumn Hike - Hike profie