benlarhome: Mt Baldy, South Peak Summit Hike - Trailhead sign
benlarhome: Mt Baldy, South Peak Summit Hike - Views west as we leave Baldy Pass and ascend the ridge
benlarhome: Mt Baldy, South Peak Summit Hike - Views of the Nakiska Ski Resort in the distance
benlarhome: Mt Baldy, South Peak Summit Hike - Ben heading towards the false summit
benlarhome: Mt Baldy, South Peak Summit Hike - Larry, with Midnight Peak looming behind him
benlarhome: Mt Baldy, South Peak Summit Hike - Ben having fun on the short scramble section
benlarhome: Mt Baldy, South Peak Summit Hike - Larry topping out from the short scramble section
benlarhome: Mt Baldy, South Peak Summit Hike - Finally the South Peak comes into view from the false summit
benlarhome: Mt Baldy, South Peak Summit Hike - Larry arrives at the false summit
benlarhome: Mt Baldy, South Peak Summit Hike - A juvenil American Robin stops for a portrait
benlarhome: Mt Baldy, South Peak Summit Hike - We spotted this Townsend's Solitaire
benlarhome: Mt Baldy, South Peak Summit Hike - Ben at the summit cairn
benlarhome: Mount Baldy South Peak Hike - Summit video
benlarhome: Mt Baldy, South Peak Summit Hike - Larry on the summit cairn
benlarhome: Mt Baldy, South Peak Summit Hike - On the return, Ben picking his way down the rubbly trail
benlarhome: Mt Baldy, South Peak Summit Hike - A fat Golden-mantled Ground Squirrel looking ready for hibernation
benlarhome: Mt Baldy, South Peak Summit Hike - A splash of fall colours seen along the way
benlarhome: Mt Baldy, South Peak Summit Hike - The easy part of the descent route
benlarhome: Mt Baldy, South Peak Summit Hike - Larry gingerly descends
benlarhome: Mt Baldy, South Peak Summit Hike - Just the facts
benlarhome: Mt Baldy, South Peak Summit Hike - Our GPS track on a 3D topo
benlarhome: Mt Baldy, South Peak Summit Hike - Hike profile